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Wednesday Evening Adoration & Novena Mass

Posted : Sep-18-2021

All are welcome to pray with us every Wednesday evening for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Meditation, Vespers-Liturgy of the Hours at 6:00 pm, and the Novena Mass at 7:00 pm.  


"We should consider those moments spent before the Blessed Sacrament as the happiest of our lives."  

(St. John Vianney) 

 Christ Present in the Eucharist 

Having taken bread in the presence of his Apostles, he said to them: “This is bread; I am going to change it into my Body: this is wine; I am going to change it into my Blood. This Body is truly the Body which shall be crucified, and this Blood is the very Blood that shall be shed for the remission of sins; and each time you pronounce these same words,” said he again to his Apostles, “you will work the same miracle, and you will communicate this power one to another to the end of the world.” Jesus Christ is the Truth; his Presence in the Eucharist is then a fact as certain as it is adorable. But “argument is unnecessary to Christians who have so many times tasted the sweetness communicated to them by God in the sacrament of love.” O Eucharist, I believe in you; I believe, O Jesus, that “you are in this sacrament as truly as you were for nine months in Mary’s womb,” as really as “you were on the Cross.” 

(Text taken from Eucharistic Meditations, Extracts from the Writings, and Instructions of Saint John Vianney, Abbé H. Convert, Scepter Publishers)