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Liturgical Ministries


​​​​The Liturgy Committee works closely with the Pastor to plan all Masses, liturgical celebrations and major feast celebrations.  Training is provided in each ministry including annual formation sessions.  Robes are worn by Eucharistic Ministers,   Lectors, and Altar Servers. 


The Liturgical Ministries include:


Altar Servers:  volunteers who have received their First Holy Communion.  They assist the Priest at all Masses.


Eucharistic Ministers: are adults who assist the priest with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at each Mass.


Lectors:  proclaim the Scripture readings at the Mases throughout the week and on Sundays.


Ministers of the Sick:  provide visitation, prayerful ministry, and the Eucharist to the ill, the infirm, and elderly Parishioners unable to attend Mass.  The ministry is offered in people's homes, the Toronto East General Hospital, and long-term care facilities.


Ministers of Hospitality or Ushers:  volunteer at each Mass to prepare the sacred space by opening the doors to the church and cleaning out the pews.  Ushers welcome all parishioners and visitors to the service and assist with seating.  They respond to any needs of parishioners that may arise during Mass.  Ushers take up the collection, distribute bulletins, answer questions, and tidy up the church.


Music Ministry:  coordinates all of the music and leads people in song at the Masses, liturgical celebrations, special Church events, and major feasts such as Easter and Christmas.  Interested volunteers are invited to audition.


Liturgy of the Word with Children:  celebrates the Liturgy of the Word (first half of Mass) with the children in the St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Chapel during the 11:00 a.m. family Mass on Sundays.  A special puppet homily is offered monthly in the Church and the children remain in the main Church on that Sunday. ​



To volunteer for one of these Ministries please call the Parish office.​