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Posted : Aug-21-2021

Philippians 4:6-7 “…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God…”

During Daily Mass, I asked for your prayers for Bishop Robert Kasun as he was preparing for eye surgery. With your continued daily prayers, we are happy to report that Bishop Robert’s eye surgery was a success, and his recovery is improving daily. Thank you for keeping him in your prayers. 

 I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our parishioners, friends of St. Brigid’s Parish community, all our volunteers, our liturgical and music ministers, and especially our Madonna Assunta committee and sponsors for their support and attendance at our Solemnity of Our Lady of the Assumption this past Sunday, August 15th

Although we were not able to celebrate as we had before Covid, the attendance at Mass and the messages of support leading up to Sunday were quite humbling and reflective of the sincerity from our Parish community. We continue to pray for an end to this pandemic as well as praying for those affected by this horrible disease. We are hopeful that in 2022 we will re-unite as a community to celebrate many feast days. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your congratulatory messages on my 40th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination. Many thanks to the Parish Council, all the Liturgical Ministries, and the Knights of Columbus – St. Brigid’s Council for the very generous gift of a new Chalice, that I will use when celebrating Mass.  

I am very grateful for everyone’s support. It is clear to see that our family of faith is growing, and we will continue to do generous acts of kindness and charity that reflect what Jesus taught us. May God bless you all.