How can I contact St. Brigid's Parish?
Telephone: (416) 696-8660 | Email:
When is the Parish Office Open?
Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 12:00 pm | 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
The Office is closed from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
When can I go to confession?
Saturdays: 4:15 - 4:45 pm
in the church confessional and on request by calling the Parish Office.
When are Baptisms celebrated?
Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays following the 11:00 am Mass.
Please contact the Parish Office to register.
When should I contact the the Parish if I want to be married at St. Brigid's?
Couples engaged to be married must contact the Parish Office at least one year in advance.
What Catholic Schools are associated with St. Brigid's Parish?
St. Brigid's Elementary School | (416) 393-5235
St. Patrick's Secondary School | (416) 393-5546
How can I find more information about St. Brigid's?
See our Website: | Facebook: St. Brigid's Catholic Church
Instagram: st.brigidscatholic