Pope Francis’s message for the 31st World Day of the Sick is titled: “Take care of him” – Compassion as a synodal exercise of healing. In light of the Church’s synodal journey, Pope Francis...
Healing and merciful God, you walked among us, brought healing, and looked with compassion on the most vulnerable. Help us not to reject our human vulnerability but see it as a condition that welcomes the need and kindness of another...
After labouring in the temple for his entire life, Simeon was rewarded with the gift of beholding Christ with his own eyes. The reward of Simeon is the reward awaiting all of Christ’s faithful stewards. When the commitment...
A special Thanks to the many priests who have assisted us during Fr. Shibil’s absence.
Fr. Roshan D’SouzaFr. Eric Rodrigues Fr. Walter Werbylo Fr. Prakash Lohale Fr. Charles Egbulefu...
“Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven..." Do not be discouraged by jeers...
The Office for Interreligious Dialogue invites high school students to participate in the Youth Interfaith Video Contest sponsored by the Dominican Friars of Toronto in collaboration with The Catholic Register and Salt + Light Media. The theme of the contest is...
Just as He called His apostles, Jesus says to us, “come, follow me.” Jesus calls us to accept the mission of being true stewards of Christ for His glory and the good of the Church. Let us imitate...
In honour of our Patron Saint,
our February 4th & 5th weekend Masses
will be celebrated in honour of St. Brigid.
Please join us for these special celebrations.
All are welcome
Starting in February, St. Brigid’s Knight’s Council will be participating in an Ontario-wide Knights of Columbus 50/50 Lottery. The lottery runs throughout the year with smaller quarterly draws culminating in a final large draw...
Kindergarten in the Toronto Catholic District School Board provides children with a variety of learning experiences in a caring, faith-based environment. Children born in 2019 are eligible to attend Junior Kindergarten in September 2023. Registration for the 2023-2024...
St. John the Baptist used his gifts of prophecy and preaching to help make Christ known. Likewise, Cardinal Collins, in his Pastoral Letter on Stewardship, says that our time, talent and treasure “are the gifts that each of us...
Mother Teresa: No Greater Love, the newest film from the Knights of Columbus, will be showing at two theatres in the Archdiocese of Toronto this month. On Sunday, January 22, it will be screening at Scotiabank Theatre in downtown Toronto...
January 18-25, 2023, marks the annual celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU). This year’s message of Isaiah 1:17, “Do good; seek justice,” inspires all of us to pray and work...
Kindergarten in the Toronto Catholic District School Board provides children with a variety of learning experiences in a caring, faith-based environment. TCDSB looks forward to welcoming new students for the 2023-2024 school year. Children born in 2019 are...
“On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother; and they knelt down and paid Him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”
What treasures have...
On this feast day, we celebrate the foreign Magi's visit, representing all the nations coming to know Christ. Even 2000 years later, Christ still desires to make Himself known to the ends of the earth, and we, as stewards...
As part of the Marriage Sunday 2023 celebrations, Bishop Vincent Nguyen will preside at a special Mass to honour married couples, especially those celebrating milestone wedding anniversaries (25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, or 60+) in 2023.
The Mass will take place...
We invite you to join us on the 1st Friday of each month at 11:00 am for a holy hour of adoration followed by Mass at Noon in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.