In today's Gospel parable, our divine Lord teaches us, the need for perseverance in prayer. This perseverance develops our trust and confidence in God. It helps us to become humble and keeps us close to God, as we learn...
Please note that for the week of October 16th ONLY the novena Mass normally scheduled for Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm will take place at the Wednesday, October 19th noon Mass. Therefore, there will be no evening Adoration or...
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the St. Ann’s Church Food Bank, especially to the families and staff at St. Brigid’s School for bringing their generous food donations as part of their thanksgiving school Mass...
The St. Brigid’s Knights of Columbus are once again pleased to host another “Welcome Sunday” in the Parish Hall after the 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday, October 23rd. Light refreshments will be served. Take this...
For First Communion
Tuesday, October 11, 6:30 pm
in the Parish Hall
For Confirmation
Thursday, October 13, 6:30 pm
in the Parish Hall
Completed registration forms and all requirements listed in the package must be submitted on the...
The one leper who returned and prostrated himself before Jesus shows us the true model of gratitude towards God and neighbour because it required his effort, time and humility. When thanking God, we can set aside time in prayer to...
We are happy to announce that our Children’s Liturgy will begin on Sunday, October 16th at our 11:00 am Family Mass. Each Sunday, before the Scripture readings begin the children attending Mass are called forward...
On October 15th and 16th and on October 22nd and 23rd we ask for your cooperation as we conduct a mandatory Parishioner Attendance Count to help provide an accurate profile of Mass attendance in the Archdiocese.
It is often difficult in our secular society to believe all of the increasingly counter-cultural teachings of the Church. This is why we need to earnestly implore the Lord for more faith. Let us set aside time each day...
First Friday of the month is often marked by a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We invite you to join us on the 1st Friday of each month at 11:00 am for a holy hour of...
You are invited to an open house for all candidates running for election for Catholic School Trustee in Ward 11 on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022, from 7:00 – 9:00 PM in St. Brigid’s Parish Hall. Come...
In today's Gospel we read about Lazarus and the rich man who had all he wanted in this life but clearly lacked charity. The rich man was spiritually impoverished, whereas Lazarus was spitiually prosperous. When you can keep your...
Registration packages for the 2022/2023 Sacrament Program are now available.
You may obtain a copy by:
♦ picking up a copy at the Parish Office.
♦ at all Masses by seeing an usher.
♦ visiting our website...
This year’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation will take place on Friday, September 30th. Cardinal Collins will preside at the 7:30 am Mass from St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica with participation from Indigenous members of...
Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto are invited to participate in the collection being held the weekend of October 1/2 to support Indigenous Healing & Reconciliation. Funds will support culture and language revitalization, education, and community building. This...
Today is the Third Sunday in the Season of Creation. In Laudato Si’ – On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis inspires us by reminding us of our vocation to protect God’s handiwork. He says, living...
Cardinal Thomas Collins instituted Stewardship Sunday as an annual occurrence across the entire Archdiocese on the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time. As such, Stewardship Sunday in 2022 will be on September 18th. Each year, the Cardinal prepares a...
Loving God, I come to you in thanksgiving, knowing that all I am and all that I have is a gift from you. In faith and love, help me to do your will. I am listening, Lord God. Speak your...
In today’s second reading, St. Paul proclaims that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” The forgiveness of our sins is the greatest, most transformative gift that Christ bestows on our lives. So as...