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Season of Creation 2022

Przesłane : Sep-03-2022

September 4th is the first Sunday in the Season of Creation, the time set aside by the church to celebrate the gift of all God’s creation in our Common Home and reflect on our role in caring for it. This year’s theme is a strong call to “Listen to the Voice of Creation”. How fitting that in today’s gospel, ‘Jesus asks us do we really want to be ‘his disciples’, to carry the cross? It’s a big ask these days as we all have immediate responsibilities. Are we willing to sign up to change our way of life, how we heat our homes, travel, farm, garden and even shop and eat? These are huge asks, in fact, a new kind of cross. But this is a cross that we can embrace with joy and no doubt some pain too as we leave behind old ways of being. Let us continue pray together and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us during this Season of creation and take steps, no matter how small, to live in harmony with all of God’s creation, as we learn to walk more gently on Gods ‘holy ground’.